joining BRAngerous


My artwork below here.

"Woman in Green Enlightment"


yea, strike a pose ! ;p


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  1. I am not an artist (wish I could), but allow me to articulate my impression while I am so impressed to Kiza's picture. The painting itself seems so feminin, light, and modern. I don't know whether Kiza has her personal explanation why she picked the black-densed colour, but for me Kiza correctly coloured the background. It is so strong, motivated, and shining-out the other color adjoining to it. Kiza has feminin line in drawing the woman figure, perfectly anatomist!. I cannot believe that such mature and deep creation born from the head of a very young cute energic and funky girl!, it is truely amazing form me that my little cubby curly girl with her "guling kecil" grows as a fascinating young WOMAN artist. Allahu Akbar, Kiza is so fenomenal. Looking forward for your next and un-stop big creations ya Kiza!, Luv u.


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